
Survey on UK universities 

Thank you for agreeing to take part in our survey. We are trying to find out your opinions about global universities, and as a student of a top global university, we are keen to hear your views.

It is a short survey that should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. If you have any issues while completing the survey, please contact Rowen Elliott at rowen.elliott@timeshighereducation.com
The survey is being run by The World 100 Reputation Network, a professional network dedicated to reputation, communications, strategy at the top universities in the world. The Network is managed by Times Higher Education, who will ensure that all responses are treated confidentially and in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. W100 research terms and conditions can be found here. To view our Privacy Notice relating to this research, please click here.
At the end of the survey, you will be given the chance to enter your name and email address to win one of two £100 gift vouchers or one of eight £50 gift vouchers (or equivalent in local currency). Your contact information will remain confidential, used only for the purposes of the prize draw and never passed on to the universities involved or other third parties.

Please click here to read our Prize Draw Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions

Please be careful when providing your responses, as incomplete or low-quality responses will not be eligible for the prize draw.
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